Construction chemistry

We are specialists for construction chemistry

Having an experienced partner at your side is highly recommended for meeting the high demands of construction chemistry. Our customers benefit from our expertise as well as our excellent network. Our product range includes high-quality base materials and additives tailored specifically to all requirements. On request, we also supply basic materials that are usually difficult to obtain on the market. 

Products and service

Premium building materials due to high-quality basic chemicals

Chemical additives and admixtures have an immense impact on building materials. Construction chemical products are usually characterized by complex chemical mixtures with high performance for various applications in the construction industry. Development requires a high level of expertise and the use of high-quality base materials.  
We offer the necessary basic materials and aggregates for this purpose. Our customers operate in the production of construction chemicals as well as directly in the construction industry. 

  • Basic materials, which are otherwise difficult to obtain, on request 
  • Certified according to ISO 9001 
  • CO2 compensation through financial climate contribution: CFK is one of the first distributors to assume climate responsibility
Product range

Discover our products for construction chemistry

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Your contact for the construction chemistry

Dirk Vogel
Head of Sales / Registered Manager
About CFK

That is why we are good partners